Welcome to our another Math class Blog!
Over the Months of February we have looked at number of Units; Numbers larger than 20 (1s & 10s), Time and Shapes unit reviews.
In the unit about numbers larger than 20, the students learned concept about counting by sets of 10. They realized that it was more convenient to go this way. They used different counting tools such as, blocks, pre- made counters, counting with flowers, beans,etc.
They have also reviewed unit about "Time" they previously learned. The main learning objective was to learn how to tell time, both digital and analog. They used interactive tools and clock models to support their learning.
Furthermore, we have touched the unit about shapes. It was also a review but with much more challenging tasks. Again, this unit was also supported with various hands on activities which you will see below; Please enjoy...
* View in a theather mode for better performance

The End...